Friday, September 18, 2009

Wow it has been a long time since we have made an update.. So here is a quick update with what I am doing.. I am in the process of getting ICCP Certified and still selling Mary Kay a little when someone needs any Mary Kay products..

Um, Eli is getting really big, I can't believe that he will be 1 next month.. It only seems like yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital.. And now people will stop me and say 'that little boy is half the size of you' well its not hard to be half the size of me because I'm not that tall anyway :^)

Anyway, here are some kinda recent pics from when Eli and I went up to Heise with my mum and sister..
Us with our new Sunglasses on

Thowing Eli (he loved it)

Chillin' in a floaty
This was when we got home from the fair, we didn't realize he was burnt til we got home :(