Sunday, June 28, 2009

Eli can Crawl! Check it out!

Hey Everyone! Its official. Eli can now crawl..... He was making several attempts over the last few weeks and on Thursday he finally did it! We were so excited. I tried to get a video up here sooner to show everyone, but we were having issuses with Cableone and did not have internet. But its all fixed now. Eli is growing so fast. He is getting teeth like no other, last time we looked he had 4 on the bottom and 2 on the top but those other 2 are trying to come through on the top. BUT, it also looks like more are going to be though on the top in the near future. Check out the video of Eli. He also does this "clap hands" trick that you will see at the end!

Jasmine is still selling Mary Kay. She did her 1st order the other day for about $300. So thanks to everyone that is supporting her and if anyone wants to buy anything let her know. She has a website but I am not sure what it is... So if you want to know any information about it just email us or you can call us. But we have new cell phone numbers so email us if you dont have that number. Jasmine is going to have a Mary Kay party on July 10th @ 6pm. So please let her know if you want to attend so she can make sure that she has room for everybody!

We are getting ready to go to Colorado this 4th of July weekend. Jasmine has a good friend that is getting married on the 3rd. It will be about an 8 hour drive from Idaho Falls, should be interesting as this will be Eli's 1st Vacation! The farthest we have ever taken him is to SLC which is only about 3 hours, so this will definatly be an adventure. He does enjoy the car rides though, so I am hoping that he will do good! Any tips let us know!!!!

Well thats all for now!

Until Next Time


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